Speed Dial in the Cloud

CROCODOOR Terms of Service

These terms and conditions ("Terms of Service") govern your access to and use of Aozora llc.'s ("Aozora") products, services, and web site (collectively "Services"), and any and all information, text, graphics, photos or other materials uploaded, downloaded, or appearing on the Services (collectively "Content"). By accessing and using the Services, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms of Service, you are not allowed to use the Services. Wherever used in these Terms of Service, "you", "your" or similar terms mean the person or legal entity utilizing or accessing the Services.

Article 1. Definition of Terms

  • 1) Aozora: Aozora llc.
  • 2) Services: "CROCODOOR"(https://www.crocodoor.com/) that services provided on the website that operated by X-MORE,LTD.
  • 3) "you", "your" or similar terms: the person or legal entity utilizing or accessing the Services.
  • 4) Contnt: any and all information, text, graphics, photos or other materials uploaded, downloaded, or appearing on the Services.

Article 2. Application

  • 1. As long as they abide by this Agreement, you will be able to use this service. If you agree to these terms, you assume that you know the contents of this convention.
  • 2. This Agreement is intended to determine the conditions of use of this service.

Article 3. Guarantee of content

We will not in any way any liability with respect to the completeness for the content, shall not be the responsibility of any sort as not correct the mistake per any doubt about the content.

Article 4. Service charge, equipment and Communication fees etc.

This service is available free of charge as a general rule.However, have you prepared in the expense and responsibility of your hardware required to use the Service, the communication environment and equipment of other telecommunications equipment.Also, please note communication costs incurred by the use of this service will be borne by you.

Article 5. Member registration

  • 1. If you would like your use of the Service, Membership by SNS account is required.
  • 2. By agreeing to comply with this Agreement, those who wish to participate in the service, you can sign up to participate in this service.
  • 3. When the application for participation set forth in the preceding paragraph is complete, we have accepted the application of the participation, the service contract is established between the Company and you, you will be able to be used in the manner prescribed by the Company of this service.
  • 4. We may in case you to fall under any of the following, to refuse to participate in the service.
    • 1) If you fail to comply with this Agreement, or if it violates
    • 2) If there is a false per part or all of the registration information provided to us
    • 3) If it is a person who is subject to the disposition of the suspension of use of this service or who have ever punished suspension of use of this service in the past has been found
    • 4) If we has determined that there is intended to be used in criminal acts or commercial practices of the Service
    • 5) In addition, if we have determined that it is not suitable to participate in the service
  • 5. This service maintains the data in SNS account information for each. We do not accept the change of registration information of SNS account.
  • 6. You will be asked for a SNS account information in order to login.

Article 6. Management of SNS account information

  • 1. You will be made in their own risk management of SNS account information of your own. I Do not allow disclosure to a third party SNS account information in any case, provide, transfer, rent or share. By any chance, even in the case where such a situation occurs, we do not assume any liability whatsoever for the disadvantages, such as damage caused by a third party using the content and register your information. Considers acts were performed using the SNS account information, and that you have the SNS account information is performed.
  • 2. If it is available to a third party or if SNS account information is leaked to a third party, please contact us immediately. In addition, losses incurred illegal SNS account information is used as the cause of your acts, for damages, we will not assume any responsibility.

Article 7. Responsibility of the user participation

  • 1. Disputes and claims relating to the use of this service problems Other related to any act that has been made in adopting the content and conduct of any kind has been made in using this service, you have what you resolve on the basis of the cost and responsibility of their own. We do not take any responsibility.You disputes and claims relating to the use of this service problems Other on all of the activities made ​​by employing the content and conduct of all has been made in using this service, you do not have a claim to us.
  • 2. By violation of this Agreement or if you have damage to us in connection with the use of the Service, you must compensate for the damage for us.
  • 3. If in connection with the use of the Service by you, we have received any claim by reason of infringement other from a third party, you can compensate the amount of money that has been forced to pay to a third party that we based on it must.
  • 4. Trouble with a third party resulting information you've disclosed the cause, disputes and claims, it is assumed that you have to solve on the basis of the cost and responsibility of their own, we will not assume any responsibility .
  • 5. Even if that had been stored for a period of time certain operational all the information that you have sent and received, we undertake no obligation to save this information. At any time, we will be able to delete the information you sent and received. For damages your caused by the measures that we have carried out under this section, we do not take any responsibility.

Article 8. Prohibited acts

Upon use of this service, you are prohibited to be in any of the following.
  • 1) Actions that the fear or violate the rights or interests of other users, intellectual property rights of us or third party, portrait rights, privacy rights, other rights of honor
  • 2) Act of infringement of the secret communication of our property, privacy, publicity right, honor, credit
  • 3) Acts other users, using the content without permission of the third party or us, infringe the intellectual property rights of copyright, trademark rights, etc.
  • 4) Actions that the fear or act contrary to public order and morals or act the fear actions that the fear, or act involved in criminal activity or the criminal
  • 5) Unauthorized access to equipment and software, etc. that is necessary in order to operate the service
  • 6) Act of transmitting harmful computer program of the computer virus, etc.
  • 7) Act of access to another user's account or to act impersonate others.(It include the act of attempting to gain access)
  • 8) Actions that the fear or in violation of laws and regulations
  • 9) Actions that the fear or interfere with the operation of this service
  • 10) Any act prejudicial to the rights and interests of other users, third parties or our
  • 11) Act in violation of the rules and Regulations and Terms of Service
  • 12) Acts we determined to harm the interests of us or any third party or other users even if there is no defined above
  • 13) Act that we deemed inappropriate even if there is no defined above

Article 9. The withdrawal by the user、Cancellation of Membership and Delete Content

  • 1. If you wish to unsubscribe from this service, you will be able to unsubscribe from this service by making a withdrawal procedure.
  • 2. If you have conflict with the prohibitions set forth in this Terms of Use, without having to give notice or prior notice, pause of this service, we cancel the membership registration to you and remove the content you have registered Imagine that can be done. In addition, we reserve the right to perform this action, but does not assume the obligation.
  • 3. If the cancellation of the membership registration has been made on the basis of the preceding paragraph or if you have to complete the withdrawal procedure on the basis of the first paragraph, you will not be able to any use of this service immediately. In addition, content With the cancellation of the membership registration or withdrawal, you have to register to cancellation when the membership registration or withdrawal, and note that it is impossible to view registration information.
  • 4. If the content you've registered under the second term has been deleted, you will be deemed to acknowledge that the content you have stored on this service can not be viewed.
  • 5. We can not be held responsible for any damage caused to you by the act that we have done under this section.

Article 10. Personal information, etc.

  • 1. With regard to the handling of personal information in our, please refer to matters specified in the second term. Please refer to (https://www.crocodoor.com/privacy) Privacy Policy.
  • 2. In this service, we will shall be available in a range of the following purposes, and the like, as well as your personal information.
    • 1) Necessary acts of confirmation that you are in compliance with this Agreement, deal and investigation of prohibited acts, deal research and inquiry, identification, the operation and management of the Service
    • 2) Improve the service and operational management of the service, act to investigate and analyze the usage of this service

Article 11. Note of information leakage in the registration of content

Prevent completely the flow of what was registered in the content is difficult, damage caused by leakage of the content will not assume any responsibility in us.

Article 12. Copyright

  • 1. Intellectual property rights relating to this service, we have attributed to us all. Action that could infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Company for any reason (including reverse assemble, reverse compile, reverse engineering, etc., and shall not be limited to) you will not attempt to.

Article 13. Stop this Services, interrupted or terminated (aborted)

  • 1. We do not guarantee that this service is not interrupted or stopped. We shall so that it is possible to suspend all or part of this service due to circumstances our without including the case of the items below, and otherwise to you.
    • 1) When performing an emergency or regular maintenance work or inspection of server and computer system according to the present service
    • 2) Trouble or failure of software and computer systems
    • 3) If the computer, communication line or the like is stopped due to accident
    • 4) The failure due to unauthorized access from outside
    • 5) if we are unable to operation of this service due to a failure or unexpected trouble and severe system failures
    • 6) If the operation of this service is unable to fire, power failure, by the force majeure of natural disasters such as
    • 7) If operation of this service is difficult or impossible external factors (war, civil war, riot, civil commotion, labor disputes, etc.)
    • 8) If the operation of this service can not be the measure of the laws and regulations
    • 9) If we have deemed necessary interruption or stop
    • 10) 前項のほか、We assume that you can be at the discretion of us, and to terminate this service at any time or to stop the operation of this service.
  • 2. You shall have no liability for any damage on the basis of the preceding two paragraphs, caused to you on the basis of the measures that we have done.

Article 14. About Link Site

We do not go at all to confirm the third-party sites from this service or tight links to the Service. For the use of site link, you will be solely on your own responsibility.

Article 15. Disclaimer

  • 1) We make no warranty.
  • 2) 参加ユーザーは、本サービスを利用することが、参加ユーザーに適用のある法令等に違反するか否かは自己の責任と費用に基づいて調査するものとし、当社は、参加ユーザーによる本サービスの利用が、参加ユーザーに適用のある法令等に適合することを何ら保証するものではありません。
  • 3) 当社は、当社による本サービスの運営の中断、停止、利用不能若しくは変更、コンテンツの削除又は消失、参加ユーザーの登録情報の削除、参加ユーザーの退会又は利用停止、本サービスの利用によるデータの消失又は機器の故障若しくは損傷、その他本サービスに関連して参加ユーザーが被った損害、損失及び費用につき、当社は、直接的損害及び通常損害のみならず、逸失利益、事業機会の喪失、データの喪失、事業の中断、その他間接的、特別的、派生的若しくは付随的損害のいずれについても、賠償、補償又は償還する責任を一切負わないものとします。
  • 4) 当社は、コンテンツの真実性、参加ユーザーがコンテンツに基づいて行動した結果につき、一切の責任を負わないものとします。
  • 5) 当社は、リンクサイトその他本サービス以外のウェブサイト及びそこから得られる情報に関していかなる理由に基づいても一切の責任を負わないものとします。
  • 6) 故意、過失のいかんを問わず、参加ユーザーが本サービス又は第三者を通じてご自身の情報を公開した場合、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。
  • 7) 参加ユーザーが本サービス又は本サービス以外においてご自身のSNSアカウント情報を第三者に開示し、流出した場合、当社は一切の責任を負わないものとします。
  • 8) 本規約のうち当社の損害賠償責任を免責する規定が、消費者契約法その他の法律により無効と判断された場合であっても、当社が負担すべき損害賠償の範囲は、参加ユーザーが直接被った通常の損害に限られるものとします。
  • 9) 外部からの不正アクセス及びウイルスによる情報の流出に関して、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。

Article 16. Validity period


Article 17. Change of Terms

  • 1. 当社は、本規約並びに諸規程及びルールの内容を予告なしに自由に変更できるものとします。
  • 2. 本規約並びに諸規程及びルールの内容を変更した場合、当社は参加ユーザーに当該変更内容を通知することはいたしかねますので、ご利用の際は随時最新の本規約並びに諸規程及びルールをご参照ください。

Article 18. Transfer of the status of the service contract on about this service

  • 1. 参加ユーザーは、本規約に基づく利用契約上の地位又は本規約に基づく権利若しくは義務につき、第三者に対し、譲渡、移転、担保設定、その他の処分をすることはできません。
  • 2. 当社は、本サービスの運営に関する事業を他社に譲渡した場合には、当該事業譲渡に伴い本規約に関する利用契約上の地位を移転し、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びに参加ユーザーの登録事項その他の情報を当該営業譲渡の譲受人に譲渡することができるものとし、参加ユーザーは、本項に基づく利用契約上の地位の移転、並びに、本規約に基づく権利及び義務並びに参加ユーザーの登録事項その他の顧客情報の譲渡につき本項において予め同意したものとします。

Article 19. Survival terms


Article 20. Jurisdiction and applicable law

Governing law of this agreement is a Japanese law. Any dispute related to or resulting from this Agreement, and the trial Kyoto summary court or Kyoto District Court.

Article 21. Consultation resolution

In the case of dispute in the interpretation of this Agreement or matters not set forth in this Terms and Conditions, you may assume that you attempt to resolve as soon as possible in consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith with each other and us.

[February 14, 2014]